Whooo, as all imaginary fans of my blog know, I haven't posted anything for the last couple months. And the post before this one was just a stupid poem about my feelings (and seriously, who cares about that?). SO, now I present you the totally awesome and not incredibly un-awesome in anyway...

This is the first (and only) sketch of my wonderful and very nutritional deity of breakfast.

And finally this is the very crazy, wonderful, and amazing GODDESS OF A COMPLETE AND HEALTHY BREAKFAST with her minions, Sir Milk and Mr. Fried Egg. And the very extra awesome thing in addition to the sheer awesome-ness of Breakfast Goddess and her loyal minions is that they have a BACKGROUND OF BREAKFAST GOODS BEHIND THEM!!! This has not happened before since I have been too lazy to even bother putting in a background, but that has all changed! It's going to be an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G fall term kids and imaginary viewers!
Good deal.