Sunday, May 24, 2009

Amusement Parks Are So Swell

Once again, the last time I went to the mall, I saw something that inspired me. The Hermes display window had these hot air balloon models with a bunch of the fashion brand's scarves. The hot air balloons reminded me of those carnivals and amusement parks with the ferris wheels, etc. And of course, I always have Robin on my mind, so the hot air balloon will be in the shape of a lovely bunny:

I wish I owned my own ferris wheel. Then I could ride for free <3

Bunny Egg Shaper!

Today at the mall, I saw those egg-shapers that you use to make your fried eggs circular. And then I thought about Robin, my rabbit. Combine these two thoughts, and you get image below:

A made-up "Bunny Egg Shaper" advertisement...I made Robin the official spokesrabbit of this imaginary product. I really wish I have a "Bunny Egg Shaper". It would make sense, since I like rabbits and fried eggs. But I don't eat rabbits, just love them <3

Saturday, May 23, 2009

I Think of Tea and Bunnies

Lately, I've been missing a few things, but the 2 main things that I miss the most are:

(1) Tea sessions with Soey, Darcy, and Grace

(2) My dear house rabbit and roommate, Robin.

So then I decided to illustrate both:

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Funeral and New Stuff

Was in the beach city, Rayong (Thailand) a few hours ago for my late Yai Yai's (grandma) funeral. Stayed a total of 5 nights. Arrived at the capital, Bangkok, by bus today. Now here's a riddle for those interested:

If Pam got 18 mosquito bites on Thursday, 1 on Friday, 15 on Saturday, and 9 on Sunday, how many mosquito bites did Pam get in all?

Seriously, what is the point of a mosquito's existence? All they do is spread malaria and leave itchy, swollen bumps all over the body.

Anyways, when I had a free moment from funeral preparations/services and applying mosquito repellant, I did some digital stuff:




Reri and Judex




I consider these images unfinished for now. ..